PUSD Graduate Profile & Graduation Requirements
PUSD’s graduation requirements reflect the district’s vision, mission, and its Graduate Profile so that students graduate with:
- 21st Century Skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity/ innovation)
- College and Career Readiness
- Global citizenship, cultural competency, and other attributes for graduates to lead healthy lives
PUSD Graduate Profile
Students are encouraged to explore academic disciplines while refining their individual talents and interests. Participation in athletics, extra-curricular activities, leadership, and community service is encouraged to foster personal and intellectual independence. Upon graduation, each of our students will be:
- Critical thinkers
- Creative & Innovative Thinkers
- Communicators
- Collaborator
- Prepared for College & Career
- External & Internal Values: Culturally Competent Citizens
- Healthy in Mind & Body
These are seven major components in the Graduate Profile.
Graduation Requirements
High School education in PUSD has expanded to prepare our graduates for an ever-changing world and a global economy. We are providing students more of the advanced skills they need to be successful, productive citizens who are ready for the future. We are committed to providing every student with a foundation of knowledge and character necessary to excel in higher education, work, and life.
PUSD's graduation requirements reflect our Graduate Profile and are aligned with the PUSD'S vision and mission. The guidelines address:
- 21st Century Skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity/innovation),
- College and Career Readiness,
- Global Citizenship, Cultural Competency, and other attributes for graduates to lead a healthy life
Beginning with the Class of 2019, all PUSD students must complete all three requirements to graduate with a high school diploma**:
1. 220 Credits of Required Coursework
2. 40 hours of Community Service or Work-Based Learning (WBL)
3. Graduate Portfolio and Defense
Graduate Portfolio Defense Presentation: The presentations require students to compile a portfolio of exemplary samples of their coursework from their high school years, including a research project, and then reflect on their learning, growth, and future plans. They present before a panel of teachers, administrators, community members, and civic leaders.
The student defense presentations are a powerful platform for students to reflect on their learning and put their experience in context with the broader community and global issues.
For complete details, please read the November 2017 letter with updated graduation requirements. Carta en español
High School Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2019 and Beyond HERE