Safety in PUSD
Safety First in PUSD
School Communities that Prioritize Student Safety & Well-Being Every Day
As outlined in the Pasadena Unified School District’s strategic plan, we want every student and staff member to feel safe, supported, and included at school. PUSD is an anchor in our community's efforts to create and maintain a safe and healthy community for everyone.
PUSD has partnerships with the City of Pasadena police and fire departments, the township of Altadena and its first responders, and the City of Sierra Madre and its police and fire departments. Our schools work collaboratively with all emergency responders in the event of a crisis or emergency.
There are many components to creating and maintaining safe schools and we appreciate the support of our parents/caregivers, students, and community. School and district staff are trained to recognize and intervene when a student is struggling emotionally and physically. Students and staff practice drills regularly to prepare for emergencies.
Each school site has an emergency plan with specified roles and responsibilities for handling various types of emergencies.
PUSD has a crisis response team team that meets regularly and responds to crisis situations around the district.
The PUSD Board of Education also has a Safety Committee. The committee meets monthly and welcomes parents, students, staff, and the public to attend. The committee reviews district safety policies, protocols, and procedures.
Proactive prevention measures include
- Comprehensive School Safety plans are required and updated annually for prevention, preparation, response, and recovery (see more detail below)
- District Security Officers at all middle and high schools with patrols by District Security
- Student safety software to monitor student activity on school-provided devices for concerning content
- New locks recently installed
- Security cameras
- All visitors must check-in
- Drug and weapon detection dogs
- Speak Up for Safety Student Safety Tip Line, a confidential digital tip line that encourages 6-12th grade students to share their concerns about student safety threats.
A Focus on Protective Factors for Students’ Well-Being
- Social-emotional learning: classroom & whole campus
- Restorative practices
- Wellness Spaces
- Student connectedness through extracurricular activities: sports, clubs
- Mental health professionals/supports on every campus, with referrals for ongoing care
- Cell phone policy that focuses on in-person communication and learning free of distractions
To prepare for emergencies, PUSD has specific safety procedures that will be followed, depending on the type of each emergency. Below is information about what procedures we use in each type of emergency. Every situation is unique, so school staff may adjust their response to address student safety first. All schools, classrooms, and spaces have emergency information and procedures.
Schools implement one of the following procedures in response to safety issues or emergencies:
Lockdown Team Response
A lockdown team response is activated when a non-threatening incident requires staff to control movement inside the school or building. Doors were locked and students and staff sheltered in place.
A lockdown is activated when there is a potential critical threat directly affecting the site. During a lockdown, students and staff remain in classrooms behind locked doors, staying quiet, low, and out of sight. Windows and blinds are closed; lights are turned off. A lockdown indicates there is a potential critical threat directly affecting the site.
A school building evacuation may occur in the event of a threat to safety, such as a fire or earthquake, when it would be safer for students and staff to be out of the building. Students are guided by staff to a designated area and receive further instructions from school staff.
Duck, Cover & Hold On
During a threat that requires the protection of the body, such as during an earthquake, students and staff get away from windows and drop to their knees, cover their head and neck, and hold on to a table or chair. If outdoors, students are directed away from buildings, trees, poles, and windows. After a decision or alert to evacuate, students are guided by staff designated area and receive further instructions from school staff.
Shelter In Place
“Shelter-in-place” is activated when an external threat requires the school and community to remain indoors, such as airborne contaminants or wildfire.
PUSD staff teach these concepts and drills to students in an age-appropriate way. As a parent/caregiver, it might be helpful for you to review some of the informational resources as well as a “how to respond booklet,” which are available on the Department of Homeland Security’s website in a variety of languages. We have linked the DHS webpage for easy reference. This guidance is good to follow in any active threat situation.
The School District and law enforcement also hold quarterly meetings when we review and discuss trends, procedures, and updates.
Comprehensive School Safety Plans
Each year, all schools develop and update their comprehensive school safety plan as required by law. This plan is discussed, reviewed and approved by the school site council. Plans are detailed and describe the school's response to various emergencies. If you are interested in being part of the school site council or learning more about your school's plan, please contact your school’s administration.
School Emergency Containers
Each school has an "Emergency Container" on its campus. It includes basic supplies for search and rescue, as well as water and first aid materials, in case of major emergencies. Supplies are inventoried at least once per year.
School Staff Stay With Children
School staff stay with students in the event of an emergency until students are picked up/released to parents/guardians or adults listed on the child's emergency card. It is extremely important that emergency contact information is updated throughout the year. Please talk with your child in advance so that they know who is on their emergency card and what your family’s plan is in an emergency.
Communication In An Emergency
In the event of an emergency, PUSD will communicate information with parents/caregivers via:
- Automated phone calls
- Email notifications
- Text messages
- Announcements on the district website
- Announcements on official PUSD social media. Follow us on Instagram, X, and Facebook.
The City of Pasadena has PLEAS, the Pasadena Local Emergency Alert System to provide information when it is needed most. To register for alerts, visit the City’s website
Los Angeles County has Alert LA for emergency notifications. Register on the County’s website
The City of Sierra Madre uses Nixle for emergency alerts. To register visit