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Practice Tests

Online Practice and Training Tests


Administration of Practice and Training Tests is optimized in supported versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari web browsers.

To access the online Practice and Training Tests, please select one of these buttons.

Test Administrator and Test Examiner Practice and Training Site

If you are a test examiner, select this button to access and administer the online Practice and Training Tests.

Resources for Practice and Training Tests

Select this button to access resources, including Directions for Administration (DFAs) and Scoring Guides.

Note, these resources are available for Parents or Guardians as well.

Student Interface Practice and Training Tests

If you are a student, select this button to access the Practice and Training Tests for the online tests.

The Practice Test is a chance to become familiar with the types of test questions on the ELPAC. When students and teachers know more about what to expect on the test, they will be better prepared to show what they know and are able to do in English.

The Practice Tests include example test questions and directions for giving the practice test to students, and can be found at