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Language Assessment & Development

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PUSD's English Learner (EL) program follows the four principles of the California EL Roadmap. Our department coordinates all aspects and ensures strict OCR compliance of the English Learner (EL) and Dual Language Immersion Programs (DLIP) as well as the Translation/Interpretation services for the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) including:

So that the PUSD is in full compliance with all rules and regulations as set forth by the California Department of Education (CDE) EL Program Instrument:


David Ibarra
Coordinator III
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88286

Ivan Hernandez
Bilingual Program Assistant
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88284

Maria Valdez
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88283

Melissa Boone
Assessment Center Technician
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88285

Language Assessment & Development Department
351 S. Hudson Avenue, Room 209
Pasadena, CA 91109
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88285

Office Fax: (626) 683-0728

Please call for an appointment