Student Responsibilites
- Leave asset tags displayed; do not tamper with or remove.
- Leave vents uncovered.
- Clean the screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth if needed.
- To clean other parts of the device (including keyboard), use designated computer disinfectant wipes. Never clean an electronic device with water.
- Report any damage to the device as soon as possible. This means no later than the next school day.
Classroom Habits
- Center the device on the desk.
- Use two hands to open the lid and carry the device.
- Close the lid before standing up.
- Follow all directions given by the teacher.
- Follow copyright laws and cite appropriately sources used from electronic media.
- Convey to your teacher as quickly as possible, without discussing with other students, any identified security problems or potential online safety issues.
- Never pile things on top of the device.
- Store device flat and standing up on its side.
- Never leave the device on the bottom of the locker.
- Never leave the locker set to open without entering the combination.
Traveling to, from, and around school
- Never leave the device unattended for any reason. Use lockers/PE lockers to lock up in school.
- Completely shut down the device before traveling.
- Do not leave the device in a vehicle.
- If ever in a situation where someone is threatening you for your device, give it to them and tell a staff member as soon as you arrive at school.
- Do not lean against the device or on your backpack with the device inside.
At home
- Take your device home every day.
- Charge the device fully each night.
- Use the device in a common room of the home.
- Store the device on a desk or table - never on the floor!
- Leave the power cord/charger at home.
- Protect the device from:
- Extreme heat or cold
- Food and drinks
- Other liquid substances
- Small children or pets
Following the Acceptable Use Procedures for Electronic Resources
Rules and guidelines are in effect before, during, and after school hours, for all PUSD electronic devices whether on or off the school campus. All use of the network, whether on a district-provided or personal electronic device, must support education and research and be consistent with the mission of the school district. Remember these important do’s and don’ts from our PUSD procedures:
Remember that files, including email, stored on PUSD equipment or the PUSD network are the property of the district and are subject to regular review and monitoring. (All students have access to the Google drive to save documents.)
Any failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in disciplinary action. PUSD staff may remove a user’s access to the network without notice at any time if the user is engaged in any unauthorized activity. PUSD staff reserves the right to confiscate the property at any time.