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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
Links & Resources for Test Administrators
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The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for grades 3-8 & 11 consist of the following:

  • English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and mathematics tests
  • Computer adaptive test (CAT) and a performance task (PT) in each content area

The California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) consist of the following:

  • English Language Arts and mathematics one-on-one computer-based tests for students with significant cognitive disabilities 
  • CAA for Science will be administered as four separate embedded performance tasks, per grade that are available to be administered starting now until the end of the instructional calendar. 

The California Science Tests (CAST) will consist of the following:

  • Online science tests for students of grades 5, 8 & grade 11
  • Access to the Desmos calculator during the entire test
  • Science Reference Tools (periodic table and reference list of formulas) will be provided to students for use during testing

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