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App & URL Approval Process

Throughout the school year, ITS receives many requisition approval requests for online applications/websites/software. These requisitions will not be approved if the application being requested is not on our Approved App list. The process to put your application on the Approved App list is as follows:


  1. Check the Approval Applications/URL list. This can be found in Clever or by navigating to
  2. If your application/website/software is not on there, you will need to submit a Service Request at
  3. Please fill out the application completely. Not filling out important information can result in a delay in approving your application.
  • When filling out the application, it asks for the Common Sense rating. This rating can be found in the Education section of the Common Sense website, not the Parent section.
  • What are we looking for?
    • Student data privacy: is student data collected and/or shared with third parties or is it kept private?
    • Is the app COPPA/FERPA compliant?
    • Can students communicate with people outside of PUSD in the application via messaging or message boards?
    • Is this application similar to another District-provided application? (Canvas, i-Ready, STEMScopes)


After your request has been submitted, it will go to our App Approval Committee for review. The committee meets once per month on the first Friday. If your application is not submitted by the previous Thursday, it will not be reviewed until the following month.


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