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Digital Safety

Protecting Students Digitally

Web Filters

Image with words like cyber bullying, insults, threats with a red circle and a line through it.

Chromebooks issued by the District are filtered both inside and outside of school district buildings. A Web filter is a program that can screen an incoming Web page to determine whether some or all of it should not be displayed to the student. The filter checks the origin or content of a Web page against a set of rules provided by the school district. Using a web filter allows PUSD to block out pages from websites that are likely to include objectionable advertising, pornographic content, spyware, viruses, and other objectionable content. However, please note that although these devices will be filtered, and are safer than using a personal device, it is still possible that objectionable content can slip through the filters. PUSD’s content filtering, at the very least, is designed to ensure CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) compliance.


Student Content Monitoring

PUSD is committed to not only protecting your students from outside content, but also content created by others within the district. In 2018 PUSD partnered with the Gaggle; a company focused on positive preimptive intervention. 

Gaggle Safety Management combines technology with expert Safety Representatives, who review content 24/7 to assure students are safe. Gaggle identifies inappropriate words and images in Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs and more. Trained professionals then apply consistent, school- or district-approved policies for intervention, alerting school officials if there is an imminent threat to a student.


What You Can Do as a Parent/Guardian

Parents/guardians are also key partners in monitoring and keeping students safe online. PUSD would like to partner with parents in keeping their students digitally safe. Here are some helpful websites for any parent/guardian who wishes to learn more:

Parents/guardians may want to formalize plans with your students regarding internet use. These agreements can help:
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