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GATE Identification and Testing

2024-25 GATE Identification UPDATES

October, 2024:  2nd graders will take the cogAT7 (Initial Universal Screener). A post-screener with additional sections in verbal reasoning, quanitative reasoning, and non verbal reasoning will then be administered with the students who score in the 70th percentile or above (locally normed by school). The data from the post screener will be analyzed to determine initial identification by school.

The Secondary Review process will initiate after the review of data for each universal screener and will be completed by Apri; 4, 2025.

GATE identification process 

We begin the identification process in the fall. The identification process includes the administration of the CogAT7 screener to all second graders and students who are new to the district in grades 3-8. Intellectual Ability identification letters are sent out to parents of students who went through the screening process and scored in the appropriate range. Letters are not sent out to parents of students who are screened to indicate if they did not qualify.

The Cognitive Abilities Test

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a group-administered aptitude test for grades K-12 used to estimate students’ reasoning and problem solving skills. Unlike assessment tests which measure what a student has already learned, aptitude tests are designed to measure intellectual ability, focusing on analytic and problem solving skills rather than specific knowledge. The second grade test does not require reading and is untimed. The 3rd-8th grade test is timed and does require reading.

The CogAT is proven by research studies to identify more English Language Learners and underrepresented groups as possibly eligible for gifted and talented programs.

For more information about the CogAT, click here.

Secondary Review

After the initial screening, data is reviewed and some students are recommended for a Secondary Review process for possible identification in the following categories of giftedness: intellectual, high ability, and creative. The Secondary Review includes a gathering of evidence and portfolio from the school that demonstrate characteristics particular to the domain of giftedness. The evidence gathered is based on best practices from research in gifted education and are both quantitative and qualitative. 

The Secondary Review process is ongoing. Parents are notified if their child is eligible for Secondary Review and if they did or did not qualify after this process.
