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Gifted and Talented Education

The Pasadena Unified School District offers a Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program for eligible students in grades 3 - 12. The GATE program is designed to meet the unique needs of gifted and talented students, and to maximize their academic and social development. Classroom instruction begins with the grade level core curriculum and is differentiated based upon student need and ability ensuring positive motivation and the intellectual growth of gifted students.

What makes the GATE Program Unique?

The cornerstone of the GATE Program is differentiated instruction that takes place within the classroom at all grade levels. This method of teaching requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching and adjust the curriculum and presentation of information to individual learners. Classroom instruction is differentiated based upon student needs, interest, and ability, ensuring positive motivation and the intellectual growth of gifted students. 

While differentiated instruction is applied at all grade levels, the GATE Program encompasses several other opportunities for enrichment experiences for GATE students.     

GATE Parent Orientation Spe 11, 2024

Department Contacts

Karen Anderson
Arts & Enrichment Coordinator
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88129
Meet Karen

Tamyke Edwards
Differentiation Specialist
(626) 396-3600 ext. 88128
Sr. Director K-12 schools