Intradistrict & Interdistrict Permits
- Intradistrict Permit Requests (PUSD Residents Only)
- Interdistrict Permits (Outside of PUSD)
- Permit Conditions
- Reasons for Approval/Denial
Intradistrict Permit Requests (PUSD Residents Only)
Families residing in PUSD may request any PUSD school or program via Open Enrollment.
- For application and processing dates, see Enroll Your Child.
Families of students who wish to transfer from their current PUSD school to attend their neighborhood school must also apply online.
- Mid-year transfer are not generally permitted.
- Transfer requests for the 2025-26 school year will be available from January 8, 2025 - August 1, 2025.
See also: Permit Conditions and Reasons for Approval/ Denial.
Interdistrict Permits (Outside of PUSD)
Families who reside out of PUSD may request to enroll in Pasadena Unified School District at many of our schools and signature programs via PUSD's Open Enrollment process.
Interdistrict Permit Request Forms
- Interdistrict Permit Request Form to enter PUSD: Enrollment application
- PUSD families requesting a transfer to a neighboring district may submit an Interdistrict Permit Request Form during valid dates.
- See also: Permit Conditions and Reasons for Approval/ Denial.
Processing Dates and Timelines
Current School Year (2024-2025)
- Interdistrict permit applications to enter PUSD are accepted year-round, subject to availability. New-to-PUSD students may submit requests from August 10, 2024-June 1, 2025
- Interdistrict permit applications to exit PUSD are accepted March 25, 2024-June 25, 2024.
- For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district 15 or fewer calendar days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received.
Future School Year (2025-2026)
- Out-of-district applicants who qualify for sibling priority or continuing program priority are eligible to apply October 22, 2024-November 12, 2024.
- Out-of-district applicants whose parent/guardian works for PUSD of the City of Pasadena may apply beginning January 8, 2025.
- All other out-of-district applications may submit an application beginning January 25, 2025.
- The window to request interdistrict permit applications to exit PUSD is March 24, 2025 through June 24, 2025.
- For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district more than 15 days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which transfer is sought.
Permit Conditions
- A permit request is granted or denied per the terms and conditions stipulated in board policy. See Reasons for Approval/Denial.
- Interdistrict permits expire when students transition to a new school and/or district.
- Interdistrict permit requests may only be filed by the student’s educational rights holder.
- No financial obligation shall be incurred by the Pasadena Unified School District for services rendered under interdistrict permits agreements.
- Falsification of information constitutes grounds for refusal or cancellation.
- The parent/guardian is responsible for providing transportation to and from school.
- Transfers may not carry athletic eligibility.
- The parent/ guardian must notify PUSD immediately of any change of address, and/or change of school district.
- Transfer pupils accepted into any PUSD school must maintain satisfactory citizenship, attendance, and scholarship.
Reasons for Approval/Denial
Reasons for Approval
Intradistrict permits are processed in accordance with Board Policy 5116.1 and Administration Regulations 5116.1.
Interdistrict permits are processed in accordance with PUSD Board Policy 5117, Administrative Regulation 5117, and current Education Code.
Interdistrict permit requests must meet one or more of the board policy criteria as summarized below and be accompanied by the required supporting documentation indicated.
- Valid interest in a multi-year, academic specialized program not offered in the residing district (not including special education program or individual courses)- Evidence of provisional program acceptance and program brochure
- Continuing Enrollment at the same school to complete a school year- Recent report card or enrollment verification by administrator or designee at the currently enrolled school/district
- Sibling Attendance in the requested district- Sibling's recent report card or enrollment verification by administrator or designee at the currently enrolled school/district
- Parent employment full-time in the requested district- Recent pay stub or employment affidavit verifying full-time employment in the requested district
In addition to the documentation listed, all permit requests to exit PUSD must include evidence of provisional acceptance to the requested district.
The parent or guardian must submit all required supporting documentation within 30 days of the original interdistrict permit request. Failure of a parent/guardian to meet any established timelines or documentation requirements shall be deemed an abandonment of the request.
Reasons for Denial
Permits may be denied, revoked, or rescinded at any time due to:
- Requested reason does not meet criteria per PUSD Board Policy 5116.1 (Intradistrict Permits) or 5117 (Interdistrict Permits);
- Student does not meet eligibility criteria for the requested program;
- Falsification of information on the permit application/request form;
- Any change to the criteria required for the permit to be issued;
- Failure to maintain satisfactory citizenship, attendance, and/or scholarship;
- Limited district resources;
- Limited availability of services at the requested school/ grade level/ or program;
- Overcrowding of school facilities at the relevant school/grade level/ or program;
- Other considerations that are not arbitrary, including but not limited to breach of agreement.