Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Survey
PUSD would like you to share your thoughts on the district's performance. PUSD will use the feedback received to ensure that district offerings meet the needs of students, parents, and staff, consistent with the district’s LCAP.
LCAP Family & Community Survey
The Pasadena Unified School District has begun developing the 2024-2027 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is built using the feedback from students, their families/caregivers, teachers and other employees, community partners, and members of the PUSD community who may not have children attending our schools.
We value your feedback and appreciate your time to give us your response.
Encuesta Familiar y Comunitaria LCAP
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pasadena ha comenzado a desarrollar el Plan de Responsabilidad y Control Local (LCAP) 2024-2027. El LCAP se construye utilizando los comentarios de los estudiantes, sus familias/cuidadores, maestros y otros empleados, socios comunitarios y miembros de la comunidad del PUSD que quizás no tengan niños asistiendo a nuestras escuelas.
Valoramos sus comentarios y apreciamos su tiempo para darnos su respuesta.
This survey collected feedback from different stakeholder groups concerning the district's LCAP. The information will be used to determine what areas the district should prioritize in the development of the LCAP for each school year. |
• SEL Survey Results • School Climate Results |
• SEL Survey Results Responses from Spring 2021 on students' perceptions regarding their social awareness, academic resilience, and growth mindsets. |
Survey Results |
Regarding our one-time $40 million Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) grant. Respondents' priorities included: focusing on key ELA and Math curriculum; increasing instructional staffing; targeting students with the greatest need for support and intervention; and strengthening social-emotional supports. The community supported making improvements to facilities, including repairs to classroom windows, replacing old carpets and generally improving classrooms to reduce environmental hazards related to COVID-19. |
Survey Results |
Administered between 9/1/2020 and 9/13/2020 to learn about families experiences and satisfaction with curbside food service program, as well as convenience of pickup hours. |
Survey Results |
Special Education Spring/Summer 2020 Remote Learning Web Survey - Administered July 28 - August 2, 2020: The Office of Specialized Student Support conducted a survey about families' experiences around the emergency Remote Learning Program implemented in the spring and summer when schools were physically closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. |
Survey Results |
Online School for 2020-21 - Administered July 1-14, 2020 to learn which students' families intend to enroll in an online school option at the start of the 2020-21 school year. |
Survey Results |
Covid-19 Closure Survey - Administered April 26 - May 3, 2020 to gather feedback from students, their parents, staff, and administrators regarding their concerns, how well the district was supporting students and staff, and what resources and supports would be useful during the remote learning period. |