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Student Achievement Data

Research Student Achievement Data

The following data tables and charts provide data about student achievement indicators for the most recently completed school year.

** Please note, because the SBAC state test was not viable to administer in 2020-21, PUSD reported i-Ready for that year only. i-Ready is an internal diagnostic administered for instructional purposes.  We will report the 2021-22 SBAC when they become available. **

2020-21 Local ELA and Math Assessment Dashboard: Spring

This dashboard reports reading (grades K-12) and math (K-8) assessment data from the most recent completed diagnostic window: Spring

Local assessment data come from iReady and Houghton Mifflin Reading Inventory (HMRI) and are reported for students enrolled since fall census and are disaggregated by grade level, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language fluency, and housing stability.

2020-21 Local ELA and Math Assessment Dashboard: Winter

This dashboard reports reading (grades K-12) and math (K-8) assessment data from the most recent completed diagnostic window: Winter

Local assessment data come from iReady and Houghton Mifflin Reading Inventory (HMRI) and are reported for students enrolled since fall census and are disaggregated by grade level, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language fluency, and housing stability.

istrictwide SBAC ELA and Math Performance by Grade Level

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content.

Districtwide SBAC ELA and Math Performance by Student Race/Ethnicity

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content.

Districtwide SBAC ELA and Math Performance by Student Group Membership

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content.

2021-22 SBAC ELA and Math Performance by School Site

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content as well as the average Distance from Standard (measured in scaled points) which represents how many scale points the average student's score was from the minimum grade level scaled score required for proficiency. The year-over-year change in each metric is also reported.

Please see CDE Resource Page for further explanation of the Distance from Standard metric:

2020-21 High School Cohort Outcomes by High School

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

2020-21 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Ethnicity

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

2020-21 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Group

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

Graduation and Dropout Rate Trend by Student Ethnicity

Student graduation and dropout rates across the last four school years by students' race/ethnicity.

Graduation and Dropout Rate Trend by Student Group Membership

Student graduation and dropout rates across the last four school years by students' membership in student groups.

2019-20 High School Cohort Outcomes by High School

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

2019-20 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Ethnicity

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

2019-20 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Group

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

Graduation and Dropout Rate Trend by Student Ethnicity

Student graduation and dropout rates across the last four school years by students' race/ethnicity.

Graduation and Dropout Rate Trend by Student Group Membership

Student graduation and dropout rates across the last four school years by students' membership in student groups.

2018-19 High School Cohort Outcomes by High School

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

2018-19 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Ethnicity

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibility coursework. 

2018-19 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Group

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibibility coursework. 

Districtwide SBAC ELA and Math Performance by Grade Level

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content.

Districtwide SBAC ELA and Math Performance by Student Race/Ethnicity

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content.

Districtwide SBAC ELA and Math Performance by Student Group Membership

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content.

2018-19 SBAC ELA and Math Performance by School Site

The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based tests that measure student knowledge of California's English language arts/literacy and mathematics standards. They are administered in the spring term of each school year in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th. 

This chart shows the % of students tested who scored in the "standard met" or "standard exceeded" bands, indicating that they are at or above grade-level mastery of content as well as the average Distance from Standard (measured in scaled points) which represents how many scale points the average student's score was from the minimum grade level scaled score required for proficiency. The year-over-year change in each metric is also reported.

Please see CDE Resource Page for further explanation of the Distance from Standard metric:

2017-18 High School Cohort Outcomes by School Site/Program

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibibility coursework. 

New school year data are expected to be released in the fall term of the subsequent year.

2017-18 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Student Group

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibibility coursework. 

New school year data are expected to be released in the fall term of the subsequent year.

2017-18 Districtwide High School Cohort Outcomes by Ethnicity

This report summarizes what achievement outcomes are reached by cohort students after four years of high school and includes graduation and dropout counts and proportions, as well as the count and proportion of graduates who completed UC/CSU eligibibility coursework. 

New school year data are expected to be released in the fall term of the subsequent year.