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Peachjar e-Flyers

Peachjar E-flyers

Peachjar allows parents and families to access flyers in three easy ways – online, by email, and in the Pasadena Unified app. All school and district flyers are housed online in an “electronic backpack” where they can be filtered, sorted, and saved.

PUSD does not distribute flyers directly to students.

Program providers who would like to distribute flyers to the Pasadena Unified community should create a  Peachjar account and submit a flyer for approval. See below.

How to Receive Peachjar Flyers

With Peachjar, parents/guardians can receive flyers in three different ways:

  1. Email - Once your email address is on file at your school, you will automatically receive Peachjar emails directly to your inbox. Don’t want to receive Peachjar flyers by email? You can unsubscribe at any time. Peachjar is used exclusively for the distribution of school-approved flyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
  2. Online - To view Peachjar flyers for your school, simply click the Peachjar button on your school’s website homepage to visit your online “electronic backpack.”
  3. Pasadena Unified App Download the Pasadena Unified app and select the Peachjar icon to view Peachjar flyers.

Information for Program Providers

Organizations seeking to distribute flyers at Pasadena Unified schools must register with Peachjar as a "program provider," then upload your flyer for distribution to your desired school(s). Pasadena Unified does not distribute paper flyers from outside organizations.

After your flyer has been submitted, it will be routed automatically to the PUSD Communications Office for approval, then emailed to all parents who have their email addresses on file at the district. Flyers are approved weekly. Flyers must be uploaded to Peachjar on Wednesdays by the close of business.

In order to provide this service to our families at no cost to the district, Peachjar charges program providers a fee to distribute e-flyers. The fee is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.

For questions about flyer approvals, please contact the Communications office by email  or phone (626) 396-3606. For technical support, please visit Peachjar’s website, contact a Peachjar Customer Support Specialist at 858-997-2117 ext. 2, or send an email to

Flyer Approval Guidelines

From PUSD Board Policy 1325 View policy here

PUSD may approve distribution of noncommercial materials that publicize services, special events, public meetings, or other gatherings of interest to students or parents/guardians.

Prior to the distribution, posting, or publishing of any nonschool group's promotional materials or advertisement, the Superintendent, principal, or designee shall review the materials or advertisement based on the criteria listed below.

All materials to be distributed shall bear the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity.

Criteria for Approval

The Superintendent, principal, or designee shall not accept for distribution any materials or advertisements that:

  • Are lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous
  • Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools
  • Proselytize or position the district on any side of a controversial issue
  • Discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of any unlawful consideration
  • Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, non-nutritious foods and beverages, and movies or products unsuitable for children
  • Solicit funds or services for an organization, with the exception of solicitations authorized in Board policy
  • Distribute unsolicited merchandise for which an ensuing payment is requested

The Superintendent or designee also may consider the educational value of the materials or advertisements, the age or maturity of the students in the intended audience, and whether the materials or advertisements support the basic educational mission of the district, directly benefit the students, or are of intrinsic value to the students or their parents/guardians.