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Student Attendance Success Plan

For Secondary Students

Student Attendance Success Plans are a great tool teachers can use to foster attendance awareness in the classroom through student empowerment. Attendance Success Plans allow students to set their own attendance goals, create realistic strategies to meet their goals, and establish a personalized helping network. This is a fantastic exercise for advisory and homeroom teachers to perform with their students.

Key Points of Student Attendance Success Plans:

  • My Attendance Goal - Guide students in setting a realistic goal to improve their attendance

  • Strategies to Reach Goal - Assist students in developing individual strategies to meet their established goal

  • Family Help Bank - Help students to realize their extended network of people that can help them get to school everyday

  • Value of Goal Setting - Discuss the value of creating the Attendance Success Plan and setting personal goals

Student Attendance Success Plan worksheets can be found at: Below or on the AttendanceWorks website.