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Voluntary Deductions And Contact Information

PUSD allows employees to pay for third-party insurance plans through payroll deductions. These plans are offered by approved vendors that offer a wide variety of plans and services. Below is the contact information for some of these third-party vendors as well as other contact information that may be useful to you:

Contact Information

Disability Insurance

Did you know...?

As an employee of Pasadena Unified School District, you do not contribute to State Disability Insurance. What does that mean? For one thing, that is one less "tax" taken from your monthly paycheck. On the other hand, that also means if you become disabled while an employee (during or outside of work), your monthly paycheck is not protected. As employees, we have sick time but what happens after that time is exhausted? Do you have dependents that rely on your monthly income? If so, you may want to look into enrolling in a plan to fit your needs. Types of plans and rates for plans vary widely and can be customized by the length of time (short-term/long-term) benefits are paid and by when the benefits begin to pay (elimination periods). There are a number of vendors that offer disability plans. The contact information for vendors can be found on the link in the above section.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

A flexible spending account allows an employee to have a set amount of money deducted from their paycheck each month tax-free for planned medical expenses or child dependent daycare. The account is offered through American Fidelity and must be enrolled in at initial hiring or during open enrollment. For full details and benefits of the plan, contact the American Fidelity representative for PUSD, Phyllis Scotton, at 949-310-8949.

Tax Sheltered Annuities (TSA)

403(b) plans are retirement savings accounts that allow employees to make contributions from their paycheck. There are annual maximum amounts that can be contributed and a number of options for these plans. Setting up a 403(b) can be done through our third-party administrator, Schools First Federal Credit Union (SFFCU). The main contact for these services is Kush Thandi, 800-462-8328 extension 4116. Rolling over plans, Roth plans, and withdrawal inquiries can all be processed by SFFCU.

2023 Universal Notification

Annual Notification