Music Education
Elementary: TK-2 graders participate in weekly general music lessons at every Pasadena Unified school that combine social emotional learning with singing and early literacy. Instrumental music instruction starts in third grade with whole-class instruction in violin, and fourth and fifth grade students have options to choose band or orchestra instruments, as well as choir. .
Community partnership: Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestra "All City" strings and woodwinds are thriving at Field Elementary, Jackson STEAM Elementary, McKinley School for the Arts, and San Rafael Elementary. The Pasadena Conservatory of Music provides all instruction at Longfellow Elementary, with the Harmony Project continuing the process after school.
Middle & High School: Chorus, band, orchestra, and music technology are offered, giving students many opportunities to refine their artistic craft and form.
Annual spring festivals of choral, band, and orchestral music showcase the talents of 4-12 grade student musicians from across the district. Please join us to enjoy a holiday or spring concert at every school