If you request to speak about a matter of school district business not on the agenda, you will be invited to make your remarks during the "Public Comment" portion of the agenda. Public comment will be limited to a total of 30 minutes at the beginning of the meeting. Per Government Code Section 54954.3 public comments on closed session items are allow prior to Board's consideration. If you wish to address the Board, please complete a yellow speaker card, and note if you wish to speak during the public comment period or at the agenda item.
Yellow speaker cards are located at the entrance to the meeting room and provided to the recording secretary prior to the discussion of the topic. Please limit comments to 3 minutes each. At the Board’s discretion, if the time to accommodate all speakers exceeds 30 minutes, the time may be reduced to two (2) minutes per speaker in order to facilitate the efficient working of the Board.
If submitting comments in writing, email them to publiccomment@pusd.us, clearly marked "Public Comment." Please note that they will not be read aloud at the meeting but will be made a part of the archived agenda documents.